martes, 24 de agosto de 2010


Have you ever realized a lot of people buy goods or services just because they watched an advertising campaign showing how good is a product or service. And at the end the people feel what they thought at beggining they would feel, a clear example of Pygmalianism Do you agree with this statement?

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Pygmalion effect and managerial perception

There is a relation between expectations about performance, and the effect those expectations have in the real performance. That is known as the pygmalion effect or the self-fulfilling prophecy. In the work done by Takao and Analoui (2009), they demonstrated the effect of that on Japanese aid workers. The result of their work is that Japanese aid worker´s positive perception causes positive behaviour in local colleagues and will result in higher organizational organizational performance.

That research is an excellent demonstration of how the human being can cause effects just by thinking those effects would actually happen. Even movies such as "the secret" explain how thoughts, can make things happen, however that is part of the phsycological field.

Here there´s a diagram by doctor Tim Ong (2008) that explains the pygmalion effect as a process, as a secuence of actions and beliefs..


"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil"

James Allen

Reference: Takao Inamori, Farhad Analoui "Beyond the pygmalion effect: the role of managerial perception" journal of Management Development, Vol 29 Iss: 4, pp. 306 - 321

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010


Organizational behavior can be understood as the study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations. The studies about human behavior are influenced by two types of perspectives:

- Internal: the behavior is influenced by factors inside the person, thoughts, feelings, past experiences, and is generally psychodynamics.

- External: the behavior is influenced by environmental forces to which a person is subject


Organizations are entities, for that reason they change, like any natural entity that has to adapt itself to his environment, organizations if wanting to have a future must adapt themselves to their own changing environment.
Reference: Mead, Richard 2004. International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimension London: Blackwell Publishing, chapter 1


The culture has a strong influence on how the organizations make decisions, communicates with the external environment, the performance of its internal structure and in general with its relationships. This can lead to the next statement:

" different social groups may respond to similar situations in a different way"

That´s way organizations with a very different approach to the same market, and of course differing strategies, can have similar effects and results in terms of organizational performance. An important characteristic of the culture is the enormous influence it has on the behavior of the members sharing it, all because it influences and is influenced as well by:

- A particular system of values.

- A set of beliefs (including religion)

Since the previous vary in different people, so does culture. Furthermore culture is learned and the learning process is sustained within particular groups. These are the reasons for a multicultural world, and because of it managers must be aware of the implications of handling organizations which are a mix of a cultures under the concept of modern globalization.

Reference: Nelson D.L & Quick J.C 2010. Organizational behavior: science, the real world and you. South-Western College Publication 7th Ed. Chapter 1

What a mulcultural world, don´t you think?

miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Experiments on organizational behavior (VIDEO)

Languge as a cultural Implicaction for international business

One of the most important aspects in life, which is learned by culture is the language. Business implications of this cultural dimension are very relevant, especially for those enterprises that take the challenge of going internationally. When doing so, they must be aware of the word´s uses in the foreign territories, and the appropiate selection of names, especially those included in products marketed. In the link we can find different cases about the importance in proper selection of products names, related to the spanish language.

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