miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Don´t let the earth undressed, dress yourself.

This could be a slogan to commercialize a shirt made of recycled materials, that also generates electricity based on solar panels on it. The idea is that by buying our product (shirt), you can help to protect the Amazon jungle, because a part of the money would go to programs against deforestation. Also by the raw materials used to make the product, you can contribute to the recicling processes in the Amazon neighboring countries. But the most interesting part is that while walking in the street you can charge your cellphone or any other devise, thank´s to the energy generated by your shirt which is powered by the sun light.

The metaphor means that by using the proper cloth, you can contribute to protect the Amazon jungle against deforestation, so the earth won´t be "undressed" of its green. In order to commercialize successfully the product in the international markets there should be some strategies to be carried out with the business parters:

1. It´s neccessary that the partners don´t be wholly profit oriented, but also companies with social responsability and most important of all "environmentally active". If the company to do business with, has environmental programs, would be an excellent channel because the "environmentally aware customer" would prefer to buy this kind of product to them, the trust already exists.

2. Non profit organizations working on environmental issues, could receive free items, with the condition of showing the advantages of how a product that dress you can help "to dress" the earth with its original green.

3. Another strategy is to offer the product to governmental agencies working on environmental issues, and be with them promoting green solutions, of course as part of it the use of our new product.

4. Very important is the international certification of the CO2 saved by charging your Cellphone with the shirt power, and the certification of the land protected and the reforestation programs, because in that order of ideas the customer would be satisfied that their money is really contributing to what they wanted it to contribute.

3 comentarios:

  1. Its really nice what you have made, a perfect relation about something that concern every people around the world, and is the use of ecological materials not just to get dress but to find green solutions for the bad using we are having with every resource we have in the world.
    that is a very nice way to sell a tshirt made from ecological materials, its really sparkling for every kind of public.

  2. i think you post very interesting and also the way you did it because you did not think just in your own benefit but in earth´s interests for example keep it dress, it is important to say in this century the importance of green stuff, recycling and know that if you are wearing one of these t-shirts you are saving a part of the world, in this case the amazon jungle

  3. John I think you can improve your job, visit interesting blogs like the ones in the BOBS (Where is that activity?) in order to get good ideas for your Blog.
